Are you a DIY enthusiast who enjoys using Chalk Couture stencils to create amazing home decor craft projects? Chalk Couture can be so much fun to create and personalize DIY craft projects!! One important question I’m always asked is How do you know when to use Chalk Couture paste VS Chalk Couture ink for a project? That’s an important question to ask with each project and the answer is. It depends on your desired outcome,

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Do you want it to be semi-permanent or permanent?

What type of surface are you using for your DIY craft project?

In general, I use Chalk Couture paste about 95% of the time but there is a time and place for ink. Knowing when to use Chalk Couture Paste versus Chalk Couture Ink is important in achieving the desired effect on your chosen surface. Here are some guidelines on when to use each:


I’ll start with the Chalk Couture paste since you’ll probably use it most. The paste is semi-permanent. Meaning it will go on wet and dries a hard consistency. Once it’s dry, the paste will remain on the surface until you’re ready to remove it. You can touch it without smudging, dust it, etc and it won’t come off. Our foundation products are chalkboards they’re made to be refreshed and that’s why I love Chalk Couture. You can use the same surface over and over with different designs for a certain style or season. Once you’re ready for a new design simply wet the paste down with water and remove it with a paper towel from the surface. Simple and creative!! 

Now, of course, you know DIY gals are going to find other ways to use Chalk Couture. We’ve been busy experimenting and found out you can use the chalkology paste on just about any hard surface. The saying in the Chalk Couture community is “If it’s still long enough. It will probably get chalked.” haha… Our community is full of DIYers. Anyway, they discovered you can use the silk screen transfers and paste them onto chalkboards, wood, glass, metal, furniture, etc.. To make chalk paste permanent simply use a Sprayer Sealer. Chalk Couture is so versatile and pretty much used on every surface. 

Chalk Paste SurfacesHow-To Tutorial
ChalkboardsHow To Use Chalk Couture Paste on a Chalkboard
Wood SignHow To Use Chalk Couture Paste For A Chalk Couture Wood Sign
CeramicHow To Use Chalk Couture Paste On Ceramic
MirrorHow To Use Chalk Couture Paste On A Mirror
FurnitureHow To Use Chalk Couture Paste On Furniture
When To Use Chalk Couture Paste


Now, I only use chalkology ink on items I want to wash in the washing machine or dishwasher without the design being removed. This could be for pillows, ceramic coffee mugs, T-shirts, baby clothes, tea towels, etc. To make the design permanent it needs to be heat set in the oven, handheld clothing iron  or cricut heat press.

Chalk Couture Ink SurfacesHow-To Tutorial
T-ShirtHow To Use Chalk Couture Ink On T-Shirt
CeramicHow To Use Chalk Couture Ink On Ceramic
PillowsHow To Use Chalk Couture Ink On Pillows
FabricHow To Use Chalk Couture Ink On Tea Towel
PlasticHow To Use Chalk Couture Ink On Plastic
When To Use Chalk Couture Ink

Bonus – Etching

Did you know you could also etch glass with Chalk Couture silk screen transfers? It’s very similar to using ink as it is a permanent way to keep a design on a surface. Learn how to use Chalk Couture on Glass.

Okay, I gave the quick run-through of when to use Chalk Couture paste vs. Chslk Couture Inks. Plus a bonus application with etching cream. This should help get you started with your next DIY Stencil project with Chalk Couture.

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Q: Does Chalk Couture paste wash off?

Yes, you can clean the surface by gently wiping it with a damp cloth or sponge.

Q: Can you use Chalk Couture paste on glass?

Yes, you can use chalk paste on glass. It won’t be permanent and will wash off. If you want to make the design permanent you will want to use the Chalk Couture Inks.

The simplest way to remember is to use paste unless you want to wash the product after the design has been added. 

Reach out to me if you still have questions. Don’t forget to share pictures of your creation with me. Come on over to my Facebook page and share it with me.

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